Sweet Tea Commentary: Serious Subjects, Sugared Up (Main Library, Rock Hill)

4:00 PM - 5:15 PM
Main Library (Rock Hill)
Activities Room

Event Details

Storyteller Tim Lowry, known as "The Sweet Tea Commentator," always brings a southerner's perspective as he tells stories of his own personal adventures (Helen Keller on Zoom), American history (Peter Parker's Pants), literary classics (Jesse Stuart), or Bible stories (The Southern Gospel of John). his family-friendly shows offer the thrills, chills, and excitement of a trip to Disney World without all the heat and humidity of central Florida, the educational value of the Grand Canyon for a fraction of the cost, and the spiritual uplifting of an old-fashioned tent revival without having to sing forty-seven verses of "Just As I Am." 

Recommended for adults. Register online or call 803-981-5888, starting April 14. Limit 50. This event is part of Patchwork Tales Storytelling Festival.  

For more information on Tim Lowry, visit storytellertimlowry.com

Event Type(s): Adult Event, Patchwork Tales
Age Group(s): Adults
Presenter: Tim Lowry

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